alimex UK’s New Website

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alimex UK’s New Website

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website

As global leaders in our industry, we were keen to ensure that our online presence effectively portrayed not only the professionalism and quality that our clients have come to expect over the years, but also the range of services and products we provide, including:

Cut and Plates
CNC Machining
Giant Dimensions
Rolled Material and Planal
ACP 5080
ACP 5754
ACP 6000
ACP 7000 – Coming Soon

Our goal with this new website is to provide our visitors and existing clients with an easier way to learn about alimex, our products, services and solutions.

The new website is interactive and gives better access to our detailed data sheets and precision CNC machining capabilities.

In addition to our website, we will also be using social media and regular email campaigns to keep our followers / subscribers up-to-date with news about alimex, whilst showcasing our expertise in the industry. Please like our Facebook and LinkedIn pages to keep up to date.

We hope you find the new website fresh and modern. Together with our partners we’ve worked hard to make sure the content is valuable, informative and will assist you with your specialist aluminium requirements.

For any questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, please do contact us, or use the contact details in the footer below.